5 Simple Tips To Make a Perfect Chicken Coop And Save Money

By Deepak Aggarwal

I recently build a chicken coop for my four hens. In this article I would like to draw a plan for building a small chicken coop for your garden.The plan can be used for a homemade chicken coop to house any number of birds you plan to have.

The outlook and appearance and outlook of your chicken coop, the design,
the paint to be used inside the coop. Plan everything before building by taking guidance from someone who knows to draw layout plan for the chicken coop. The plan should be made according to the space you have to build the coop

The coop should be planned in such a way that it is easy to apray the pesticides and insecticides inside the coop. You dont want to to get annoyed while cleaning it. The chicken coop must get sunlight and fresh air. You can put an electric bulb for the light. The insulated walls help to keep the chicken house dry. You can put these things at any time in a homemade chicken coop. In a pre-built coop you dont have such luxury.

The coop should get a lot of fresh air. The openings of the coops should be well thought of for drawing eggs, putting feeders and waterers at the right place (usually at the height of the back of the chicken). You must have heard of chicken feeds, as they are available in many variants. But if you want to save more on feeds then Bill's book has valuable information.

These birds like to live on perches. When you are building a chicken coop be sure to make enough perches for all of your chickens. They tend to fight for space in a small coop. The roosts and perches give them a natural environment to play.

The coop must have a small opening for chickens to move in and out of their house. It can be just a simple hole with a door of-course, but make sure that the door can be locked with no space underneath. You may not need a door in case it is leading to a closed run. Then the coop must have another door for you to get into the coop for supplying feeds and collecting eggs and cleaning.

These are very important points to remember while building your own chicken coop. In this way you can buid a comfortable chicken coop. These birds need little care but they will supply healthy eggs for you everyday. - 30447

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